Levi Roy
Levi Roy , age 7 weeks, son of Lacy Anderson and Greg Roy of Wallagrass, was born pre-mature at 30 weeks with tracheo-esophageal fistula and atresia, respiratory distress syndrome and heart defects. Since his birth on April 14th he has been receiving care at Maine Medical Center. Born weighing a mere 2 pounds Levi has undergone numerous testing and procedures, three surgeries with two more scheduled over the next couple of months, as well as, five blood transfusions.
In addition to the continual care of his providers and nurturing of his parents this special young man has had many visits from grandparents, aunts and uncles, extended family and friends and has been the recent recipient of $500 from the CubbyGives program (formerly the Cubby Fund) and has been nominated the June Hero of the Month by his parents who call him, "a hero and fighter who deserves the world for all he has gone through." Levi does have a fundraising account set up with GOFUNDME.